
Showing posts from December, 2021

Strength TogetHER 13 - Session 6

September 10, 2021 To stay quiet is to stay suffering. One of the most important topic is Sexual Harrasment. We have heard, seen and been a victim once in our lifetime. Female of any age has been a victim at least once in her life. Some choose to speak, some are scared to speak and some are unaware that they are being sexually harassed. Our sixth session was based on the topic. The participants were very involved in this topic sharing their personal experiences related to it. There are many aspects in this topic, most of them we covered. For today's session we had Tejaswita Kharel as our moderator. She is currently working as a lawyer in Kathmandu. As a lawyer she seeks  to help increase the need for legal literacy in Nepal on various matters and more so, On matter relating to women rights and fundamental rights. She advocates for the need of qualitative and accessible legal aid to victim of sexual harassment and violence against women. For the session we had around 20 participants