
Showing posts from January, 2022

Strength TogetHER 13 - Session 7

October 2, 2022 Is it necessary to be inspired only by the popular and rich figures of society? I guess the answer is NO. If we see around us,  there are so many things from which we can be  inspired. To discuss and share about the same thing we had our 7th session on 2nd October, 2021 at around 10am. We had Bhawana Malla as our moderator. She is a business development manager at Access Education and she also partners with universities in the US and helps them scout talents in Nepal. She believes in personal growth and is a woman of strength herself. She loves to paint the beautiful scenarios which she witnesses in her daily life. She has been empowering students at Lokopakar for over a year now. The topic of our session was " People around who inspire us" . For the session we had 4 speakers and 13 participants. Our session began with the introduction of Lokopakar by the moderator to the participants as there were few new participants in the session. After the introduction o