Strength TogetHER 13 - Session 7

October 2, 2022

Is it necessary to be inspired only by the popular and rich figures of society? I guess the answer is NO. If we see around us,  there are so many things from which we can be  inspired. To discuss and share about the same thing we had our 7th session on 2nd October, 2021 at around 10am.

We had Bhawana Malla as our moderator. She is a business development manager at Access Education and she also partners with universities in the US and helps them scout talents in Nepal. She believes in personal growth and is a woman of strength herself. She loves to paint the beautiful scenarios which she witnesses in her daily life. She has been empowering students at Lokopakar for over a year now. The topic of our session was "People around who inspire us". For the session we had 4 speakers and 13 participants.

Our session began with the introduction of Lokopakar by the moderator to the participants as there were few new participants in the session. After the introduction of Lokopakar and the participants, the coordinator of the session started to call out the speakers for the session.

The first speaker talked about how she was inspired by her parents. She always looked around for inspiration. She was body shamed in school and she was not a confident girl as she is now. She became  very insecure and gradually she became easy on herself and things got better. As things got better she started seeing her parents' effort and hard work for her. How they never questioned her decisions and wishes, and they fulfilled it. She realized how she was here talking to us and being successful in what she is doing. Though they don’t show what they have been through, we should be able to see their work and dedication they have for you. Understanding parents is a part of growing up she says and they have given opportunities for you to grow. 

Our second speaker spoke about how her brother inspires us everyday to be happy. Every human being has their own struggle, but in between those struggles we should never forget to remain happy. Her brother has been through lots of misfortunes and struggles but the 2 thighs that were common in all those misery were that he was always happy and hopeful. Speaker shared that her brother taught her to live the present moment first before taking stress about the future or past. She shared that among many things that inspires her, her brother was one of the most inspirational humans for her. 

Our third speaker talked about her mom being her inspiration. Mom is always close to our hearts. We can anytime turn to them and ask them when we think that we have lost our way. They support their children no matter what. She shared that her mom understood and supported her every decision with trust. Even when she is not around her she inspires her in every step of her life. She has learned never to give up and find a solution for the problem from her mom. Her mom has been the most influential person in her life. 

Our fourth and the last speaker for the session shared that her mom and her sister are her inspiration. No matter what the situation is, her mom always supported her in every step of her life. Her sister has been there for her right from the beginning. She added that the most inspirational person in her life is herself. She never gave up no matter what the situation was and faced the problems bravely. She also said that her friends inspired her as well. Being a shy girl is a bit difficult but she said her friends motivate her to speak up confidently. Sometimes to be the best version of ourselves we need to get some good push from our friends too.

Now moving on, one of our speakers couldn’t attend  the session but she wanted to share her thoughts on this, so she wrote a paragraph explaining how her grandfather inspired her. The bond between the grandparents and the grandchildren is very special. Her grandfather inspired her to pursue research. He was diagnosed with skin cancer and he bravely did all the necessary medications. She applied in for the position and got it and ever since she has been working and studying hard. With a hope that in near future there will be medicine for the cancer patients she has been moving on with her life. 

After we were done with the speakers our moderator spoke some words about the topic. She said that we must have a positive outlook on things which will get us to realize that everything in this world is inspiring in us in certain ways. We are emotional people and less logical, a female point of view is different from male point of view and we take inspiration a bit faster than males because that is our nature. In this pandemic we were staying inside our home. The thing that kept us inspired was that everybody is going through the same situation.  Anything can be an inspiration for yourself. It might be negative or positive but the impact after that is solely in our hand how we take it, how we face it. For instance, we can take inspiration from a bird, they are free, they look at the world from a sky view but at  the end what matters is the positive outlook that we have. She concluded her opinion on the topic by suggesting all the participants to stay positive and get inspiration from anything you can  have  a positive outlook on. 

After that we ended our session with a picture of happy faces.

Written by - Sambriddi Karki (Cohort Coordinator)


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