
Showing posts from May, 2022

Strength TogetHER 13 : Session 10

February 12, 2022 From every end comes a new beginning. We came to our last session. We planned a simple ending, but due to some issues there was not enough participation at the end. We roughly had 10 participants where 3 of them shared their experience of being a member of a cohort. Our first speaker shared how it helped her to be vocal about her feelings. She also shared that she now was more confident than ever and wished to participate in Cohort like this again. Our second speaker shared the same thing. She added how she found a group of people that she can trust. She said she found a safe space where she can share her experience and thoughts here. Our next speaker said how she feels good for being a part of this journey. She found a place where she can share her feelings without being judged  and where she also got to know that she is not the only one. It gave her more strength and power. As a Cohort coordinator, I feel very happy and privileged to get this opportunity. I always t

Strength TogetHER 13 - Session 9

Jan 29, 2022 A Time I Felt Mentally Tired Tiredness can be mental too. On this topic we had invited Situ Shrestha, who  is a final year undergraduate in community development at Kathmandu University School of Arts. She is the Co-founder and Regional Coordinator at Me For Myself (M4M), an international campaign on mental health and well being. She is also a peer educator at Y-PEER Nepal providing education about SRHR-Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. She enjoys watching movies and series and also has a keen interest in art, design and more.   Our session started with a short introduction of all participants. After the introduction, we directly started with our first speaker. She shared with us her story about her life after class10. Her parents forcefully took her to a science college. She always wanted to study management but due to her parents pressure she studied science. When a person does something forcefully or under pressure,  it often leads to mental tiredness. She ment

Strength TogetHER 13 - Session 8

November 27,2022 Happiness is everywhere. We just have to look for it. We had a session with Shreya Thapa on the topic "WHAT MAKES YOU THE HAPPIEST." Shreya Thapa identifies as a cross-cultural Nepali who is always thirsty for new experiences and explorations. Over the last 10+ years, she's worked in journalism/media/freelance writing and the development sector. Shreya believes school should never get in the way of our learning and encourages a worldview that is based on love, gratitude, and wholesome nourishment of the self. We had around 11-12 participants for the session. Our session began with the introduction of the participants and the moderator where we had to mention our name and hobby. After completion of that we started with the speakers. Our first speaker finds happiness in the small things. Be it seeing her parents smile, or or spending time with her big brother and baby sister. When she was asked when she was the happiest, she told us she felt happy when she