Strength TogetHER 13 - Session 4

July 24, 2021


In this world not everyone is the same. Physically, mentally and in every aspect people are different from each other. To accept ourselves the way we are is one of the precious gifts  we can give ourselves. On 24th July 2021, we had a session on the topic of "Accepting The Way I Am," where we had around 12 participants. Shreya Shrestha was our moderator. She is a final year student at BAMS. She has started her fitness journey on YouTube since 2020. She is a content creator. She encourages people to follow healthy diet plans and lifestyles. 

Our session started  by welcoming our moderator. She introduced herself and after that we went directly to the speakers. Our first speaker for the session shared how she had eating disorders and how she overcame it. She shared that after she overcame the disorder she started to accept herself the way she is and felt confident about her body.

When somebody is born different people tend to see them differently and treat them differently. Our next speaker shared her journey about being a little different from others. She shared that when she was small in order to walk she needed support for AFO shoes. She felt really insecure about it and became a victim  of bipolar disorder. She took professional help and also took medication. Her family supported her but unknowingly they compared her to others which affected her. She also said that accepting is hard and it is very necessary and she is learning. 

Our next speaker too has a similar story to share. When she was a child her cousin hit her in the leg unknowingly due to which her left leg was bigger than the right leg which caused difficulty in walking when she was in class 10 people started talking about  her problem and distanced themselves from her. She never felt insecure about her problem before but at that moment she was sad and had no one to share with. She even had major stress problems and failed her pre boards due to the above  reasons. When she shared her problem with her father her father turned her weakness into something extraordinary that no one can do. She remembered that and felt proud of it. She has started to accept herself and is very happy the way she is.

Our next speaker shared her journey of being fat shamed. She started gaining weight when she started taking medications for her migraine at a very young age. She shared how people she rarely knew also would comment on her body. She felt very insecure about it and never went  out without her shawl covering her body. She also shared how relatives became her reason for stress as they constantly comment on her body. She didn’t even attend important family events. She is on a journey of loving herself. She is taking baby steps and hopefully one day she will be fully able to love herself. 

Our next speaker shared how skin problems affected her. Her friend set her mind that her skin has not been good, and when she looked in the mirror each time she used to feel bad about herself.

After hearing all the stories from the participants, Shreya Shrestha also shared her journey of loving herself. When she was a child she had a different complexion than her siblings. People used to address that and she became insecure about it. When she came to Kathmandu for her studies she started to adopt earring disorder. When she decided to change her lifestyle she also decided to share it with people and this is how she became a content creator. She has been inspiring  us with her videos a lot. She also presented a PowerPoint presentation where she showed us how we can change our lifestyle and how we can accept ourselves in various ways.

Accepting yourself the way you are is very difficult, but once you do it it’ll benefit your whole life.

Written By - Sambriddi Karki (Cohort Coordinator)


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